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Profile of each income group by labour force status of household reference person

Income inequalityInequalityWho is affected?

This graph shows the make-up of each income group according to whether their household reference person (usually the member with the highest income) is employed, unemployed or not in the paid workforce. Household members whose reference person is unemployed form a larger share of income groups as we move down the income scale. They represent 7% of the lowest 20% income group; 10% of the lowest 10% income group, and 13% of the lowest 5% income group.

This is echoed in households where the reference person is of working age and is not part of the paid workforce, which comprise 28% of the lowest 20% income group, 34% of the lowest 10% income group, and 35% of the lowest 5% income group.

The lowest 20% income group mainly comprises households where the reference person is out of the paid workforce: 30% where the reference person is over 64 and 28% where they are of working age. Another 20% are employed full-time, 16% are employed part-time, and the remaining 7% are unemployed.

In contrast, 87% people in the highest 20% live in households whose  reference persons is employed full-time.

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