This graph shows the components of wealth for each wealth group. The profile of assets held changes as we move up the household wealth scale.
2017-18: The holdings of the lowest 20% wealth group are mainly in ‘other non-financial assets’ such as cars (48% of heir wealth holdings) and superannuation (38%). Few own their homes. Moving up, the proportion of wealth held in owner-occupied housing rises (from 29% for the second-lowest wealth group to 51% for the second-highest). The proportion held in superannuation declines from 33% to 21%. In the highest wealth group, relatively less of the wealth is in the main home (34%) than those in the middle, and more of it in shares and other financial investment (26%) and investment property (15%).
2015-16: Most of the wealth of the lowest 20% wealth group is in low-value assets such as cars and home contents (49%) and superannuation (40%). The average net value of owner-occupied housing held by this group is just $2,000, which strongly suggests that the majority do not own (or are purchasing) the home in which they live. Among those in the middle 20% wealth group, most wealth is held in the main residence (53%), with a lower share held in other non-financial assets such as cars (17%) and superannuation (8%) than for the lowest 20% wealth group. Among the highest 20% wealth group, less than half of wealth is in the residential home (34%), with a greater proportion held in shares and other financial assets (24%) and investment property (16%). Although this group has more expensive homes than the middle 20%, the average value of their financial assets and investment properties is many times greater than those held by the middle 20%.