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Wealth distribution among income groups

Wealth inequalityInequalityComponents of wealth

Wealth is more evenly distributed across income groups than across wealth groups. The highest 20% of households by income hold 42% of household wealth, compared with 15% for the middle 20% and 11% for the lowest 20%. The main reason for the more even distribution of wealth among household income groups is the high home ownership rate among older people, who tend to have lower incomes. This is likely that this will change in future as a declining share of older people  own their main home The highest 20% income group holds 30% of all wealth in main residences, compared with 17% for the middle 20% income group; and 16% for the lowest 20% income group.

Other forms of wealth are much less evenly distributed across household income groups. The highest 20% income group owns 60% of all shares and other financial assets, 53% of investment real estate, and 46% of superannuation wealth.

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