This shows compares the real value (after inflation is taken into account) of average wealth holdings in different assets. The average value of owner-occupied housing (the largest component of household wealth) rose strongly before the Global Financial Crisis, declined between 2009-10 and 2011-12, and then resumed its strong growth. Overall, the average value of owner-occupied housing rose by 28% (after inflation) during this period.
The value of other real estate (investment property) followed a similar pattern. But grew much more strongly overall, by 61%. The average value of superannuation holdings grew very strongly and consistently across the period (by 119% overall), so that its share of wealth holdings increased.
From 2003-04 to 2015-16, the share of owner-occupied housing in all household wealth fell from 45% to 39%, though it remained the largest component. The share of wealth in superannuation rose from 14% to 20% (reflecting the gradual maturing of the superannuation scheme), while that of shares and business assets rose from 18% to 19%. The share of investment property assets in household wealth rose from 11% to 12%.