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Number of people in poverty by family type in 2019-20, and change in poverty

PovertyWho is affected?


The largest number of people in poverty are found in couple-with-children families (1,076,000 people compared with 665,000 people in sole parent families) due to the greater number of couple-with-children families overall.
Single adults under 65 years have a slightly higher rate of poverty than those 65 years and older.
Poverty fell substantially by 509,000 people in couple-with-children families and fell slightly in single person households of working age and among older couples by 5,000 people and 12,000 people respectively.
Most of the overall reduction in poverty (647,000 people) occurred in couple-with-children families.
In contrast to couples with children, poverty among people (including children) in sole parent families rose slightly by 21,000 people in the June quarter of 2020.
Poverty also rose slightly among couples of working age without children (by 14,000 people) and older single people (by 24,000 people).

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