These graphs display the number of children living in poverty, divided by household type, by 50% and 60% median income poverty lines, for 2017-18 and 2015-16.
This graph shows that most children in poverrty live in couple households (57.1% based on the 50% median income poverty line, and 60.7% based on the 60% median income poverty line). This is because the vast majority of children (82%) live in couple households. However, children in sole parent households are over-represented, at 41.4% and 36.1% of all children in poverty.
This graph displays the number of children living in poverty, divided into their household type. It shows that most children in poverty live in couple households (61% based on 50% of median income poverty line, and 63% based on the 60% poverty line). This is because the vast majority of children (83%) live in couple households. However, children in sole parent households are over-represented, at 38% and 34% of all children in poverty.