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Rate of poverty among children

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This graph shows the rate of poverty among  all children according to the 50% and 60% median income poverty lines, in 2017-18 and 2015-16.

In 2017-18, 17.7% of all children were living in households experiencing poverty, rising to 25.7% when the 60% poverty line is used. The risk of poverty is highest for children in sole parent families, which is three times that for children in couple families according to the 50% poverty line (44.2% compared with 12.7%).

In 2015-16, 17.3% of all children were living in households experiencing poverty, rising to 26% when the 60% poverty line is used. The risk of poverty is highest for children in sole parent families, which is three times that for children in couple families according to the 50% poverty line (39.4% compared with 13.1%).

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