This graph shows the poverty rate of people by housing tenure –whether they own the house with or without a mortgage; whether they rent either privately or publicly; or whether they have another form of occupation type.
2017-18: The graph shows that the risk of poverty is twice as great (19% using 50% median income poverty line and 28% using 60% median income poverty ine) for people in households renting privately than for home-owners (9% using 50% median income poverty line or 19% using median income poverty line) or home purchasers (9% using 50% median income poverty line or 13% using median income poverty line), reflecting the higher cost and/or lower incomes of people in private rental housing.
2015-16: The graph shows that households who rent privately have twice has much risk of poverty (at 21% using 50% median income poverty line and 31% using 60% median income poverty line) than households who own their home (8% using 50% median income poverty line or 18% using 60% median income poverty line) or who hold a mortgage on their property (9% using 50% median income poverty line or 14% using 60% median income poverty line). It shows that poverty is highest among those in public or community housing (49% using 50% median income poverty line and 67% using 60% median income poverty line).