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Flow of new tenancies in private rental housing, NSW & Vic, 2019-19 to 2020-21

COVID-19Housing & homelessness

It is possible to measure flows in the sector, using new bond lodgements to approximate new tenancies commencing, and bond returns to approximate tenancies terminating. Again, pandemic impacts on rental markets once again initially appear fairly contrasting in NSW and Victoria. Importantly, both states saw a marked annual reduction in new bond lodgements in non-metropolitan markets – by 6% in NSW and by 15% in Victoria.

Although the geographical classifications used are non-identical there is an apparently major contrast in that Sydney’s inner and middle ring suburbs saw large increases in new bonds lodged and bonds returned – i.e. tenancy turnover – during 2020-21.

Across Melbourne as a whole, meanwhile, tenancy turnover in 2020-21 was on the same level as the previous year.


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