Cumulative growth in superannuation assets

Superannuation account balances vary over time through a combination of net contributions (contributions minus any benefit payments) and investment returns. Since most superannuation funds invest in a combination of shares, bonds, property and cash deposits, their average investment returns broadly reflect returns on those investments. As a proportion of their value in December 2019, superannuation account balances declined by 9% by March 2020 then rose to 18% above December 2019 levels by December 2021.

Changes in the distribution of wealth since 2003

In 2003, wealth was shared very unequally. The highest 10% had 42% of all wealth, the middle 30% had 38% and the lower 60% had 20%. By 2018, the distribution was skewed even further towards the richest. The highest 10% had 47% of all wealth, the middle 30% had 37% and the lower 60% had 16%. During the COVID recession and recovery, wealth inequality moderated somewhat but wealth was still distributed more unequally than in 2003. By 2021, the highest 10% had 46% of all wealth, the middle 30% had 38% and the lower 60% had 17%.

Proportion of median income required to pay a typical mortgage on a recently purchased home (%)

Source: ANZ Corelogic housing affordability report, March 2022 Note: Assumes owner has borrowed 80% of median dwelling value and is paying the average discounted variable mortgage for a term of 25 years. Percentage of median gross annual household income required to pay median rent on a new lease   This graph shows that the proportion of median household disposable income required to service a typical home mortgage rose from 27% to 41% between 2003 and 2021.  

Increase in wealth, by wealth group since 2003 (%)

During the sustained period of economic growth from 2003-04 to 2018-19, wealth inequality increased sharply: * The wealth of the highest 1% of households rose (after inflation) by an average of $6.8 million or 84%; * The wealth of the highest 10% rose by an average of $1.9 million or 65%; * That of the middle 30% rose by an average of $380,000 or 44%; * That of the lower 60% rose by just $45,000 or 20%. In the first 2 years of the pandemic (during 2019-20 and 2020-21 including the recession), wealth inequality declined slightly: * The wealth of the highest 1% of households rose by an average of $1.5 million or 10%; * The wealth of the highest 10% rose by an average of $530,000 or 11%; * That of the middle 30% rose by an average of $168,000 or 13%; * That of the lower 60% rose by an average of $43,000 or 16%. In the third year of the pandemic (2021-22, a year of economic recovery), wealth inequality declined further: * The wealth of the highest 1% of households rose by an average of…

Profile of household wealth in different countries in 2020 (% of all wealth)

A relatively high proportion of household wealth in Australia (58%) is in non-financial assets - mainly housing - compared with a global average of 46%.

New report shows who is most impacted by inequality in Australia

A new report by ACOSS and UNSW Sydney shows that, pre-COVID, single people on JobSeeker, even those with some paid work, and single parents on JobSeeker, have been struggling on the lowest rung of the household income scale. Over half are in the lowest 10% of incomes nationally. Half of people on age pensions are in the lowest 20% of incomes nationally, though widespread home ownership among this group provides a significant degree of protection from poverty. The 10% of older people who rent their homes are in a much more financially distressed position. The report – Inequality in Australia 2020: Part 2, Who is Affected and Why – sets a base-line of data against which to assess the impact that COVID-19 is having on inequality in Australia. It reveals where different groups fit in the income and wealth scales, and the direct causes of inequality from the latest data available, 2017-18. Professor Carla Treloar, Director of the Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, said: “Even…

Inequality in Australia 2020, Part 2: Who is affected and why

Read the report: Inequality in Australia 2020, Part 2: Who is affected and why Where do you stand in Australia's income distribution? Find out now with our income calculator!

Trends in wealth inequality (Gini coefficient) by asset type

This graph shows how wealth inequaltiy increased from 2003 to 2009, declined slightly after the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), and resumed its growth afterwards. During the boom years from 2003 to 2009, the Gini coefficient for wealth inequality increased from 0.57 to 0.62. After the GFC it fell back to 0.59, then continued to rise to reach 0.62 in 2017. This increase in wealth inequality was mainly generated by growth in the overall value of superannuation, shares and other financial investments, and investment property - all of which were relatively concentrated in the hands of high-wealth households from the outset (though they became less concentrated over time). Conversely, the proportion of wealth held in owner-occupied housing and other non-financial assets (which were more evenly distributed in 2003) declined, so their overall contribution to growth in wealth inequality was negative. If we break down the overall increase in the Gini coefficient of 0.05 (0.62 minus 0.57) to…

New research highlights risk of COVID pandemic increasing inequality

New analysis of inequality in Australia pre-COVID-19 provides a baseline against which to measure the impacts of the pandemic on income and wealth inequality. It highlights the ameliorating effects of timely Government policy responses – including increased Jobseeker and Jobkeeper payments – but warns that the long-term effect of the pandemic on income and wealth inequality will depend on how these policies evolve. Using the latest available ABS data (2017-18), the ACOSS/UNSW Sydney Poverty and Inequality Partnership Report finds that, pre-COVID, the incomes of those in the highest 20% were 6 times higher than those in the lowest 20%, with that gap widening since 2015-16 (when the ratio was 1:5). An examination of wealth data shows that, for the first time, average household wealth exceeded $1 million in 2017-18. However, the distribution of wealth in Australia was deeply unequal, with the average wealth of the top 20% ($3,255,000) some 90 times that of the lowest 20% ($36,000). Those…

Average net wealth, by wealth group

This graph shows the distribution of wealth by wealth groups. Wealth is distributed much less broadly than income  2017-18: The average wealth of the highest 20% wealth group is $3,255,000, more than six times that of the middle 20% who had $565,000; and over 90 times that of the lowest 20%, who had $36,000. The average wealth of the highest 5% is $6,795,000. 2015-16: The highest 20% wealth group had average wealth holdings of $2.9 million, more than five times that of the middle 20% wealth group ($537,000) and almost 100 times the $30,000 held by the lowest 20% wealth group.