This chart shows where people in different types of families are placed in the household income rankings.
Single people are much more likely to be found in the lowest 20% income group, despite the fact that when people are divided into income groups, their household incomes are already adjusted to take account of family size (that is, the incomes of larger families are adjusted downwards – or ‘equivalised’ – to reflect their need for more income to attain the same living standard).
Sole parent families are likely to be in the lowest 40% by income, reflecting lower employment rates and greater caring responsibilities, as well as the relatively low levels of social security payments. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 51% of sole parents are employed compared with 73% of parents in partnered families with children. In contrast, there is a relatively high percentage of couples without children in the highest income group, likely due to higher earnings and lower financial needs of younger, double-income childless couples and older workers whose children have left home.
2019-20: Among single people without children, 41% were in the lowest income group, compared with 21% of all couples without children. Only 14% of single people were in the highest income group, compared with 28% of couples. Among sole parent families, 38% were in the lowest 20% compared with 15% of couples with children. However, only 5% of sole parents were in the highest income group compared with 20% of couples with children.
2017-18: Among single people without children, 43% were in the lowest 20% compared with 22% of all couples without children. Only 14% of single people were in the highest income group, compared with 27% of couples. Among sole parent families, 39% were in the lowest 20% compared with 15% of couples with children. However, only 6% of sole parents were in the highest income group compared with 20% of couples with children.
2015-16: Single people are much more likely to be found in the lowest 20% income group – including 42% of single people without children and 36% of sole parents. Of all sole parent families, 63% are in the lowest 40% by income. In contrast, 26% of couples without children are found in the highest 20% income group.