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Profile of each income group by country of birth of adults

Income inequalityInequalityWho is affected?

This chart shows the profile of each income group by the country of birth of adults within that group.
A clear majority of people in all income groups were born in Australia, reflecting their high proportion (69%) of the overall population.
Almost a third of (31%) of adults in the lowest 20% of incomes were born outside Australia in a country other than a major English-speaking country.
29% of adults in the lowest 20% income group were born outside Australia in a non English-speaking country, while 69% of those in the highest 20% income group were born in Australia. 
Among those in the lowest 20% income group, 25% were born in a non English-speaking country. In contrast, 72% of those in the highest 20% were Australian born and only 15% were from non-English speaking countries.


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