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Rate of poverty by age (% of people)

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This graph displays the rate of poverty among all people by age groups.

2017-18:  Among children, the rate of poverty is 17.7% based on the 50% of median income poverty line, and 25.5% when using the 60% poverty line. The poverty rate among young people (15-24 years) is also above average at 13.9% (20.2% when the 60% of median income poverty line is used). Among people aged 25 to 64 years, poverty rates are somewhat lower (at 12.1% and 17.6% at the 50% and 60% of median income poverty lines respectively). People 65 years and over who own or are buying their home are less likely to experience poverty than the rest of the population when the 50% poverty line is used (10.3%) but more likely when the 60% poverty line is used (23.7%). This figure also shows the profound impact of housing costs on poverty rates among older people by displaying the poverty rate among the 10% of older people who rent their homes, which is considerably higher than that of older people who own their homes, at 41% when the 50% poverty line is used and 58.1% when the 60% poverty line is used.

2015-16: The rate of poverty among children is 17.4% based on the 50% of median income poverty line, and 26% when using the 60% poverty line. The poverty rate among young people (15-24 years) is also above average at 14% (20% when the 60% of median income poverty line is used). Among people aged 25 to 64 years, poverty rates are somewhat lower (at 12% and 18% at the 50% and 60% of median income poverty lines respectively). People 65 years and over are less likely to experience poverty than the rest of the population when the 50% poverty line is used (12%) but more likely when the 60% poverty line is used (28%), reflecting the close proximity of the Age Pension to the 50% of median income poverty line before-housing costs are taken into account.

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